Week 6

Return of The TriSonics!

The TriSonics start to wrap-up the build season by putting the last few pieces into place, wire, and program the robot.

The TriSonics finish putting together the robot!

Design Team

This week in design we have been releasing parts to the fabrication team. We have also been revising our drawings. We adjusted assemblies of the intake system and the ball delivery system. Some also worked on attaching the Limelight to our Power Cell shooter in order to aim. A sub-team of the design team has been working on the hanging system for the shield generator

Build Team

This week, the build team was finally able to get the robot to come together. The entirety of the week was spent working on finishing assemblies for the singulator and ball delivery system, and finally attaching them to the chassis at the end of the week. All that is left is to build and mount the ball turret. With this progress we can hand off the robot to programming so they can work on programming the newly added functions.

Business and Marketing Team

This week the business and marketing team started working on completing the video, with it being worked on we started to also work on the presentation and find out who our presentation team is.

Programming Team

This week the programming team has stayed busy by preparing to get the full robot. We did this by creating autonomous paths with the completed chassis. This is essential for us to be working out right now in order to maximize our potential in the autonomous portions in later competitions. We also nearly completed our scouting app. This week has been a long week of debugging, formatting, and adding new features but we are reaching the end of the tunnel meaning that the app is nearing being able to be put into production.